As the title says this post is about my favourite band, AC/DC. This australian rock band, founded in november 1973 by brothers Angus and Malcom Young, is one of the most popular of the world. With over than 50 millions discs sold for a single album (Back in Black) they are the second artists who have sold more in all the discographic history. The name AC/DC is the abbreviation for "alternating current/ direct current" and they wanted that name because they thought that it was a very good way to explain their power. But at the beginnig they were not so famous for three years they get only some succes in Australia . Things changed with the pubblication of Highway to Hell on july 1976. But the singer Bon Scott die after the pubblication of the album for an acute alcohol poisoning. Maybe this was the worst stroke for the band. Only in 1979 they found another singer. Brian Johnson (who is the current singer). IN 1980 for memory of Bon Scott they relased the album Back in Black where there are famous songs like Hells Bells ( made for the old singer) who is the first song, or You shook me all night long, who are the top diamond songs, over Back in Black. And since that album their world popularity was written. Songs like Thunderstruck, Rock n Roll ain't noise pollution, For those about to rock, are the example of the incredible power and beauty of the Hard Rock. Not by chance AC/DC music is utilised in a lot of action movies. No one can express more power and energy.
In conclusion they are the best.