Thunderstruck Blog Pageviews

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


In this post I'll treat the weakness of communication. there are positive and negative aspects of communication, and I think that the negative one is the diffusion of technologies in the world. As I said in the last post, Internet is the most efficientway of communication, because of its fast services, but it isn't diffused anywhere. In areas like Africa, middle-East and Asia, there are many countries in which there isn't Internet, and in these places people can't communicate efficiently with the rest of the world. The communication technologies, are too expensive, and for thidìs reasn in poor countries people can not buy basic intruments to communicate, like notebooks or simply new kinds of mobile phone which can surf the net to connect with the whole world.

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It started off from a little trick I had on guitar. I played it to Mal and he said 'Oh, I've got a good rhythm idea that will sit well in the back.' We built the song up from that ... It was really just a case of finding a good title. We came up with this thunder thing and it seemed to have a good ring to it. AC/DC=Power. That's the basic idea.
Angus Young