Thunderstruck Blog Pageviews

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Royal Wedding

Well, honestly I have to say that I did not interested to this event. I believe it is because of the excess of advertising, already two weeks before everybody spoke only about it. A wedding, even if it was a royal wedding, first should be a personal thing, we can not speak about it like if it was our one. It's really different. I dislike a lot this bigot interess of Televisions. they tried to made much money publicising it and they succeeded thanks to childish people who looked TV because it was "the dream wedding" between a prince and a simple "poor"(country) girl. Please. It was only different by a normal wedding because of english people who love very much the royal family and who want watch it on TV. Well It's ok if it's restricted to Great Britain, fine,faboulous, but every country in the world had a tv channel synchronized with London. It is ridiculous.
Do not get me wrong! I think it was a beautiful thing but it has become an evident opportunity of profit.

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It started off from a little trick I had on guitar. I played it to Mal and he said 'Oh, I've got a good rhythm idea that will sit well in the back.' We built the song up from that ... It was really just a case of finding a good title. We came up with this thunder thing and it seemed to have a good ring to it. AC/DC=Power. That's the basic idea.
Angus Young